Why do I need this document?
The Incident Management Policy outlines the system your business has in place to acknowledge, record and manage any incidents.
Remember this document must relate to all people within your business, that is participants, their support network, workers and any other visitors you have or people you work with and provide services to. We have addressed here the specifics related to the NDIS Commission registration requirements, however, you must make sure what you adopt from this policy and procedure document compliments any jurisdictional requirements related to worker injury management. We have not addressed management of injured worker policy and processes as these are not specific to the NDIS registration requirements.
Take your time to read this policy. It is quite complex as some incidents need to be managed in a different way to others and reported to different authorities. These vary between States and Territories so you need to be certain you have the correct details for your jurisdiction. We have given you the links for key areas e.g., mandatory reporting, WorkSafe.
As most AHPs see a variety of clients and age groups, we have also provided guidance on incident reporting beyond NDIS participants (Note: this does not necessarily cover every situation for your client group / funding bodies). You can just delete any sections that are not relevant to your business e.g., if you do not provide services to children or older people.
The NDIS wants to know that you are VERY clear about what needs to be done for which incidents. This does NOT mean you and your team need to be able to recite the policy! Rather, you are aware of what needs to be reported to them and that you have a readily accessible and complete policy document and forms you can refer to for answers so you can respond accordingly.
The below series of links provided by the NDIS Commission to assist providers to comply in this area may assist you and your staff to easily remember what is required and how to complete the necessary tasks on the occasions this may occur.
Reportable Incident Quick Reference Guides
Why the auditors like it
They can see you:
- Have an Incident Management System that demonstrates you meet the relevant NDIS Rules
- Keep a register of all incidents
- Manage incidents appropriately know your reporting obligations of serious incident
- Know what will happen if planned services are interrupted by an emergency or disaster (see Support Plan document for detailed assistance with this aspect which is not yet included here)
Next steps
- WATCH the webinar
- OPEN the Incident Management Policy
- READ the policy carefully
- CUSTOMISE the policy to your business. Note that you will need to investigate your State/Territory requirements, add as appropriate and delete sections that are not relevant to your business and ensure this policy compliments or is incorporated with your management of injured workers policy and other relevant aspects
- ADOPT the policy
- TRAIN any workers you have in the policy and the associated procedures.