Allied Health NDIS Registration Support

Pathways / Certification Overview

Provision of Supports [Service Delivery]


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This practice Standard – Provision of Supports [Service Delivery] –  focuses on implementing the participant’s rights and responsibilities and ensuring their needs are met. This is part of what allied health professionals do every day, you just need to be able to show evidence that you are doing it.

There are five parts to this Standard:

  1. Access to Supports
  2. Support Planning
  3. Service Agreement with Participants
  4. Responsive Support provision
  5. Transition To or From the Provider

Nearly all the documents you need, including related quality improvement activities, have already been developed and adapted in earlier standards of this pathway. In fact there are only two new documents in this section. How the previous documents support this Standard will be clear when you read the Spiel for each part of the standard.

Access to Supports

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Why do we have to do this?

The NDIS wants to know:

  • Participants are informed about the services you provide and any restrictions or limitations to your services (or using your services) including costs
  • Participants know why/how services could be ceased
  • You provide information in the way participants will understand it
  • You provide services in the most appropriate environment, and this is monitored, to ensure supports are ‘fit for purpose’ and participants’ health, privacy, dignity, quality of life and independence are supported
  • Services will not be denied solely on the basis of a ‘dignity of risk’ choice made by a participant.
What are auditors looking for?

They want to be able to see:

  • You have various ways of informing your participants about the services you provide
  • You have actually informed participants about costs, what services you are unable to provide and why/how services could be withdrawn
  • You make reasonable adjustments to the environment where you deliver services to meet participants’ needs
  • Participants are given choice and services are not denied solely on a dignity of risk choice.


Service Agreements with Participants

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