You need to log into the Commission’s applications portal and complete your registration application. You began this application in step 2 to help you confirm the modules you needed to comply with.
You now need to complete the self-assessment aspect of this application.
The ‘Spiels’ you have been writing for each section are what you should enter into the self assessment.
- Verification – Upload as many of the documents you’ve referred to within your Spiels as evidence noting the portal places some restrictions on how much data you can upload. You can still note additional documents within your self-assessment / Spiels so the auditor can easily see what you have available. You can send additional documents to the auditor once you are engaging with them.
- Certification – it is recommended you upload the List of Provider Documents Per Standard (provided in the Certification Overview) and Certification Document Control Register (provided in the Quality Management standard).
- The portal places restrictions on how much data you can upload so then choose some key policies, registers/plans/calendars, audits/surveys and meeting minutes.
After you submit your self-assessment, application and evidence, you should receive an ‘initial scope of audit’ document by email from the NDIS Commission. This will summarise the registration requirements that apply to your organisation and inform the quote auditors will provide you in Step 7.